Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Harry Potter Houses


I normally choose not to share this opinion.  But here goes: the Houses of Harry Potter are evil.  I know people identify with the houses, and it's a fun thing.  The book are amazing.  Whatever. I'm still a huge fan.  Read on.

You take this standardized test which then decides what the next seven years of your life are going to be like.  Can you truly judge an eleven-year-old's character?  Where's their sense of self?  It's crazy.  Even in the series Dumbledore speculated that they sort too early.  Which I agree with.

Dumbledore agrees with me.  

Now it's just a huge marketing thing, which I can get behind.  It's a great opportunity, but it goes directly against the teachings of the books.   What I don't understand is how hardcore fans get behind the houses when they represent a lot of what the books are condemning.  Voldemort is trying to create a world with only pure-blooded wizards.  He want wizards to be separate.  Sortings are an archaic convention and I hope they change the sorting process. 

So let me offer a solution:  First, second and third year students go into the same house.  At the start of your fourth year, you are then sorted into one of the four traditional houses.  This takes into consideration your deeds and developments while at Hogwarts.

That one's on me, Jo.

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