Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spirited Away To 1500

Here's a scenario: What if you were sent back in time 500 years, but first you could spend one thousand dollars a Wal-Mart? What would you buy? How would you use it.

Before I give my answer, I'll give you the fine print.

  • You have unlimited time to shop.
  • You can ONLY take what you buy in person.
  • It's a Super Wal-Mart.
  • You'll be sent back in time to your exact current location.
  • You will never return.
  • You can have one month to get your affairs in order.
  • You can't tell anyone about the details of the trips.
I would firstly buy multiple outfits. Mostly durable things. I hope this wouldn't run me over 300 dollars.  I would spend the next 200 on tools.  I'd buy knives, saws,  scissors. strings, hunting materials and a few first-aid kits.    The next 300 would be spent on a handgun with bullets to last.  With the remaining money, I'd buy some history books, maps, compass, calculators, and some tents. I would be sure to spent some money on "wow" materials like fireworks.  More on that later.

The game plan.

I would take the months I have left to work out, and bulk-up.  A month isn't very long, so I'd focus on cardio and endurance.  In addition to my body training, I would find out at much as possible about my current area 500 years ago.  Throughout this month, I'd try to remain a sense of normalcy and leave a simple note when I had to go back in time.

So I'd be in the dense, swamp-like Florida of the 1500's.  The first thing I'd do would be to scout the area, then set up my tent and start to chop trees.  The mosquitoes might be a problem, but I'd use the flint I a have to keep a fire going.  Hopefully this wouldn't attract Native Americans right away.

Throughout the next few months I'd try to get a cabin started.  I'd have to be extremely careful as any injuries I sustained would potentially kill me.  I would avoid using some of my more valuable possessions unless absolutely necessary.  I may hunt with the gun initially, but I'd soon switch to traps.

Once I have my cabin established, I would try to make contact with the Native Americans. With an understanding of their culture I would try to impress them with my technology.  The idea is to become their leader.  Now, eventually I'd plan on conquering more tribes, and unifying the Natives under my banner.

Hopefully, this won't take too long, as a month of research will point out weak points.  I'd have to pick up on their language.  At some point I'd be able to stop doing labor myself.  I could get them to start building cabins, and convince them to start farming resources.  If I could advance them enough, by the time I'm 40 I could start building fleets to go to the Old World.

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