Thursday, March 19, 2015

Heart, and why Community is amazing

That's creator of the show Dan Harmon in the poster

I have a strong connection to Community.  It's the last show from the legendary Thursday NBC lineup from when I was in high school.  That was the highlight of my week: 30 Rock, The Office, Parks and Rec, and Community.  It was incredible.

Now there's one comedy standing, Community.  This show has been resurrected multiple times, and has one of the most potent fan followings of all time. I say potent, because we're certainly not large in numbers.  We're underdogs, who love this show about underdogs.  It's quick-witted, narcissistic, and too high-concept at times.  But it makes up with heart.  

I encourage everyone to start paying attention to this.  Does it have heart?  Think about the difference between something like Transformers 4 and Back to the Future.  One undeniably has heart.  It makes us feel something, and it stirs us in our core.  

Let's do another one.  Think about Terminator Salvation and Guardians of the Galaxy.  One was dry and the other one lit you up inside.

Now, don't mistake that with a movie having sensibility or being cheery.  Terminator 2 definitely had heart, it made you care, and then you felt something when that thumbs-up disappeared into lava. In the first Transformers, you felt for the soldiers, and you took people's motivations seriously.

Remember, the moment where Prime says,  "It's you and me, Megatron."

Megatron replies, "No. it's just me, Prime."


That's what Community brings to the table, and that's why we're getting that movie.

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