Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FILM: God's Not Dead

Bad? Good?  I can't even say.

For the purpose of this blog post I will not state my religion.  I'm going to try to talk about this movie, as a movie.

Did you every get that mail chain about the militantly atheist professor?  The one where the brave, Christian student stands up to and shames the professor?  Well it's now a full-length film.  I'm not kidding, go watch it.  Here's why you should.  And because this is a personal blog, I'm going to use a hacky, numbered list.
  1. The debates are solid.  Up until the end (take a wild guess who wins) the debates about philosophy are pretty solid.  If you think they're not, you can surely find someone else to debate that with you.
  2. It's kind of silly.  There are 4 or 5 stories in this film, and some of them seemingly go nowhere.  I'm not saying this movie is like The Room, but you'll be entertained for reasons they don't want you to be entertained.
  3. Last 20 minutes are a Christian rock concert.  My jaw dropped.  It's very self-indulgent, but I was totally game for it.
  4. It's a challenge to be open-minded.  I struggle with this myself, but let's not be negative all the time.  This movie didn't sell me on Christianity, and I watched it without internally mocking Christians.  I hate the idea that some people are going to whine the whole time when they watch this movie.  Be generous and try to enjoy it.  Don't boil with anger when they tell you to text everyone you know. Just don't do it.

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